Wood fuel pellets were invented in the USA. Scientist Rudolf Gunnerman got interested in the energy saving industry and in 1976 patented his invention – pellets. He found that the raw materials for the manufacture of fuel pellets are very cheap, and thanks to the cylindrical dimensions, with a diameter of 6 mm, it was convenient to transport it. Unfortunately for him, the new type of fuel has not become in demand. This was due to the fall in oil and gas prices.
But the real breakthrough came later, in the mid-90s, when fossil energy sources increasingly became the subject of discussion. At the same time, by concluding the Kyoto Agreement, most industrial countries have committed themselves to reduce emissions of harmful substances to 5% below the 1990 level by 2012.
Among all European countries, in 1985-1990 Sweden is the founder in the field of pellets production. Then Denmark, Canada, Italy, Finland, France and Norway also began to develop the production of pellets. Europeans appreciated fuel pellets thanks to their significant advantages over other fuels.
Russia began the production of new generation fuel at the end of the 20th century. At the beginning of the 21st century, there were only 5 factories operating in the country, and all manufactured products were exported. Later, the interest of citizens in the novelty increased. The number of functioning factories has reached more than 250. The production of fuel pellets in the winter of 2020 amounted to 144,914.5 tons.
In recent years, the popularity of wood pellets as heating fuel has increased significantly, and many homeowners and commercial enterprises prefer pellet stoves or boilers to traditional wood-burning equipment due to their relative ease of use. As a result, the demand for fuel pellets has also grown rapidly.
Pellet fuel produces very little ash due to the high combustion-to-residue ratio. The surface of the pellets protects them from absorbing any significant amount of atmospheric water vapor under normal atmospheric conditions.
Plyterra Group produces fuel pellets from birch wood. The products fully comply with quality standards. Our consumers, having tried to use pellets once, do not want to return to other types of fuel.